Friday, February 25, 2011


Last last Wednesday (on the night of my sister's recital), I received a letter from La Salle's College Of Engineering (Yes, I'm taking up engineering at DLSU :D).

There wasn't much in it, just an invitation to go to La Salle for a basic preview of my course. I asked my guidance counselor and director if I should go and both of them said that unless DLSU is going to pay for the trip, there is no need. So since, La Salle isn't paying for the trip, I guess I'm going to have to wait for the general orientation to get a better idea of my career. :D

Oh yes, about the title. Well, you see, I was at Facebook when I came across this:

I guess whoever made this picture does have a lot of point. Looks like cheating isn't going to be a good option in the engineering department. So while I'm in La Salle, I guess my motto should be QUIT OR LEARN THE MATERIAL. xDD

Anyway, it's been a week since my last blog post, so I guess I should start where I left off. :D


It wasn't a perfect performance, but I'm glad it's over. There's really not much to say here, so I guess a picture should do. :)



Yesterday, the 3rd and 4th year students were given the opportunity to listen to Ptr. Mark and Ma'am Jocy's mentor and teacher, Sir Andy Uyboco, or better known as Sir Boc.

He said a lot of things in his two-hour lecture, but I guess the one big lesson that I learned was to treat people the way people are suppose to be treated.

I remember him telling us that "People aren't dead pieces of scripture that remain the same even after hundreds or thousands of years. People are human beings. They can and are capable of change -whether you like it or not."

And as much as I hate to admit it, Sir Boc was right.

We often do treat people as dead scripture incapable of changing. There are people in this world that we do not like and for some reason we want them to remain that way so that we can continue hating them.

If Juan, a corrupt politician, says that he has "changed," most of us would probably dismiss his claim telling him, "No. You have not changed. Corrupt ka parin! You will always be corrupt!"

Inside of us, we refuse to at least entertain the idea of Juan being a good guy -the idea that Juan could have possibly changed. Once he was caught doing something bad, we immediately deem him as a dead scripture BAD & EVIL incapable of change. But Juan isn't dead scripture that remains the same. Juan is a person. And like you and me, he is a person capable of change. He could be lying but he also could be telling the truth. Treating him as a person meant giving each side a fair chance. If he really did or did not change, it will show. That's Juan's responsibility, not yours. Your responsibility is to treat him with love just like how you're suppose to treat every other human being on earth.

People aren't dead pieces of scripture that remain the same even after hundreds or thousands of years. People are human beings. They can and are capable of change -whether you like it or not.


Oh yes, last Thursday, I came across this movie in Plugged In Online entitled THE GRACE CARD. The title kinda caught my attention so I thought I'd have a look at it. Turns out, it's a Christian movie by a church in Memphis, USA. I checked out the trailer and it seemed like a nice movie.

The story basically revolves around what the movie calls a "grace card."

Back in the days of slavery in the United States, a generous master sets all his servants free and one of them is an 8-year-old boy named Wendell P. Wright. Before leaving though, Wendell wrights rights writes on a piece of parchment the words, "I promise to pray for you every day, ask for your forgiveness, grant you the same, and be your friend always," and hands it over to his now former master to thank him for his grace.

It is now this card that comes into the lives of our two main cops, Mac McDonald and Sam Wright (Yes. Wendell Wright is his ancestor :D).

Mac is racist, hot-tempered and critical of pretty much everyone around him—even his wife, Sara, and son, Blake. This is because of the death of his other son, Tyler, 17 years ago and since then, his life has just been full of anger and dismay.

Enter Sam Wright, an African-American cop who feels his true calling is to be a pastor -that, however, doesn't pay the bills, though, as he and his wife, Debra, struggle to keep their tiny church afloat. Thus, Sam has to sit in a patrol car all day with Mac, struggling to love the man. Mac refuses to cooperate. And if Pastor Sam can't love his enemies, maybe he's not cut out for the clergy after all.

How will the grace card help?

--I have absolutely no idea. xDD

I guess, I'll have to watch to movie to find out. I don't know if THE GRACE CARD will be showing here in the Philippines, but it's something I definitely look forward to watching. :D

Here's a trailer just in case any of you here are interested. :)


Today, I woke up LATE. I didn't intend it to be that way, but my clock broke. When I woke up this morning and saw that the time was still 3:50 AM, the first thing that came into my mind was, "Yes! Early pa! Back to sleep." And I did continue to sleep until I heard to school bell at 7:15. I turned to my clock and to my surprise, 3:50 parin! The clock was broken and I was LATE. Not just late for class -late for CSAT! x.x

Good thing the proctor didn't come in until 8:20. *phew* I don't know how strict CSAT is but missing it was definitely not going to be a good thing.

Anyway, it's getting late and I have to rest because I have this robotics competition tomorrow. We had a trial run today, but the programme was a bit complex so unless my brain is in top condition, I don't think I'll be able to do well.

So, I guess this is all for now. Until next time! ^^


Current mode: Sleeping (-.-) zZzZzZzZ

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